Unfortunately, auto-checking of extensions is only impemented for Chrome extensions - not Firefox. To download a Firefox extension it has to be explicitly whitelisted by sending a request to Netfree.
@t-m You can try adding maps.google.com in the filter settings.
Screenshot 2022-10-19 165034.png
If it still doesn't work, it wont hurt to open a support request. The support team handles such requests.
Here is the (translation of the) response that was received on the Hebrew forum: @magicode
If you use the report option then a very limited number of female employees see the request.
The same is if you use the report email
Windows has a setting that if you install an app from unknown source, it checks the app store first.
To change this, type 'Apps and features' in the search bar, and change 'choose where to get apps' to 'Anywhere'.