Posts made by shloimy95
RE: Need to send Torah video for review
@outofquagmire In this case you don't, Rabbi Mendel Kessin's Shiurim are available on Torah Anytime without needing checking. This is the shiur you are looking for https://torahanytime.com/lectures/310948
To answer your question (imho, I do not represent or work for Netfree), how are Netfree expected to know a random video online is a kosher shiur unless you send it for checking? The websites like Torah Anytime where all content is allowed without checking work with Netfree and have agreed only to upload content which fits the rules. You could suggest to the owner of torahthinking.org to do the same.
RE: Filter personal/private
You can set both at a time if you want they are unrelated.
- Allows content the filter detects as private to be sent for checking even though this content will be screened by foreign employees. If you don't check this personal pictures will show
- Tells the filter to check images even when Netfree do not require it e.g. pictures in personal emails. If you do not check this these pictures will be shown without being checked.
- Allows content the filter detects as private to be sent for checking even though this content will be screened by foreign employees. If you don't check this personal pictures will show
RE: Google search results limited to one page
@outofquagmire In my Google search settings here I toggled continuous scroll, this sorted it
RE: Naki Radio
@n_נתי Many of the radio stations are unlocked, ask the support team if the radio uses http (unencrypted connection), or if it uses https but they have a way of adding a CA security certificate.
RE: google maps
@joel6147 This site simplex3d.co.il was mentioned on the Hebrew forum as a possible alternative. I have no experience myself though.
RE: Is it to good to request site checkout randomly?
@mz-w No because it will make legitimately important requests take longer to be checked
RE: Netfree on ChromeBook
@byk I believe if you use the VPN client built into the chromebook not an Android app, and set policies always on VPN and block traffic without VPN you will not have the 2 issues. To use the built in client save the following to a .onc file.
{ "Type": "UnencryptedConfiguration", "Certificates": [ { "GUID": "{13f7eba5-06b4-4beb-87d1-78a7323ff072}", "Type": "Authority", "X509": "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" } ], "NetworkConfigurations": [ { "GUID": "{995aea54-25d8-4570-a23d-5873b63259f5}", "Name": "Netfree Israel", "Type": "VPN", "VPN": { "Type": "OpenVPN", "Host": "s.il1.nfaw.netfree.link", "OpenVPN": { "Port": 143, "UserAuthenticationType": "Password", "CompLZO": "true", "SaveCredentials": true, "Proto": "tcp", "ServerCARefs": [ "{13f7eba5-06b4-4beb-87d1-78a7323ff072}" ], "ClientCertType": "None" } } } ] }
RE: Netfree on ChromeBook
However you actually connect to Netfree, VPN, HTTP Proxy or any other method Chrome OS can still not be fully supported by Netfree, as Google require that their domains are fully excluded from all ssl/tls inspection. Ca-certificated can only be installed in the browser, not the OS even when using Google Admin. See https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/6334001?hl=en&ref_topic=3504941.
RE: pictures on email
@unclebenjy This is not a loophole in Netfree, Netfree provide internet filtering not email checking.
You should block the sender from sending you more emails by clicking on settings cog in top right > see all settings > Filters and blocked addresses > Create a new filter then type senders email address in from box and click create filter > tick the box for Delete it and click create filter. (Creating a filter like this is better than using the block feature because blocked emails still come through to spam).
If the email is sent from a Gmail account you should report it to Google so the account is closed using this form: https://support.google.com/mail/contact/abuse?hl=en. -
RE: Discord
@pdavidow Before I joined I asked about some sites, you could make an account with no filtering plans for free to send support requests. Without points they do take some time to reply and they won't review a new site but as this is a site they have reviewed before they should be able to advise you if they can open it for a single user. If they could open it they usually ask why you need it open and may even request a CV or other evidence that it is for parnasah before doing so.
@pdavidow If you use a desktop using NetFree on your ISP should be safe and protect you in both in Windows and WSL2 as long as you can't connect to a neighbour's wifi or tether from your phone etc.
Remember you will have to install the SSL certificate in each WSL instance using the Linux command as the Windows install won't do this for you. -
@yzahn I have done so. I was trying to log in using the same details I use for the forum, now I realise I have to create an account for the wiki separately.
WiFree is installed and running within Windows and can therefore not intercept internet traffic from another hypervisor dom or VM. As this is a public forum I do not want to provide further details about ways WiFree may be circumvented.
The NetFree wiki recommends locking the BIOS to increase protection https://netfree.link/wiki/Strengthen_WiFree_protection. If virtualisation technologies (VT-x/AMD-V) are disabled in the BIOS and the BIOS has been locked it will not be possible to circumvent WiFree using WSL. This will prevent WSL2 from working, but WSL1 should still work fine.
@yzahn Who has permission access to modify the wiki? Perhaps disabling virtualisation technologies (VT-x/AMD-V) should be added to the wiki page https://netfree.link/wiki/Strengthen_WiFree_protection? -
Depends on how your connected.
NetFree on ISP or VPN router - Can't be circumvented.
VPN on Windows - Different VPN clients either do or don't capture WSL Internet traffic. I do not use NetFree Anywhere 2 to connect so can't test. -
RE: Multiple device/os setup and payment
One more question, I saw elsewhere on the forum if you switch VPN server locations you may be charged twice. Is there a way to do this avoiding the charge? (Some sites only work if you are in the correct country).
RE: Multiple device/os setup and payment
@dovidstroh I get this. Thank you.
RE: Multiple device/os setup and payment
@yzahn Yes, Thanks for your help. I have seen quite a few VPN workarounds on github, I was hoping there would be other Netfree users with experience with WSL2. Netfree seems to be the only filter which support anything remotely linux related.
By the way if I could use VPN credentials in a router what prevents a user from connecting hundreds or thousands of devices through such a method and completely overwhelming Netfree's servers? -
RE: Multiple device/os setup and payment
@yzahn Your right I didn't make my intention clear, I will describe my situation fully then you will understand my questions.
I use multiple devices plus multiboot and virtualisation software often therefore I feel setting VPN in my router at home is best to filter everything. However I also use my laptop away from home, where I will not be protected by my home router therefore I would like to work out the best on device solution as well. As far as I understand things VPN credentials can be set up in multiple devices as long as only one is using them at any point in time. Therefore if before leaving my home I shut off my router I should be able to use a VPN client installed on my laptop to connect safely. I am now asking if you know a Windows 10 VPN client which is suitable for my use. I use WSL2 quite a bit, and have found the NAT virtual switch is uses seems to run in the networking stack before most VPN clients (and other security software, probably a risky move by MS) I have also tested many (probably all) of the on-device filtering solutions available, and have found WSL2 bypasses them all.
Many thanks.
RE: Multiple device/os setup and payment
So it sounds like multibooting is no issue, virtualisation will probably only work with NAT networking unless you pay for a second set of credentials and set these up for the guest.
WSL2 uses NAT but any VPN software I have tested still does not intercept its traffic does anyone have experience with a VPN client which would work for this?