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Posts made by Nechemia
RE: accountability
RE: Google search results limited to one page
@outofquagmire This is a bug that happens on some searches.
We are aware of this and hope to resolve it in the future.
RE: Please fix ASAP
@outofquagmire said in Please fix ASAP:
- Who gave the haskama? https://netfree.link/recommendation
I can reach הרב יהודה סילמן and הרב שריאל רוזנברג
RE: Please fix ASAP
We tried the email now and it works just fine. -
RE: Slow internet with NetFree
@good Open a support request so that we can investigate.
Forum policies
On this forum, you can consult with the public only in a matter-of-fact manner, and only on technical issues to solve problems related to the NetFree internet filter.
Reports, requests, suggestions, protests, news, ideas, etc., have no place in this forum, they can be sent through the request system. The discussions should not be diverted from topic to topic, and obviously one should not respond with something that is not a purely technical response, etc. -
From now on, any thread that is opened on a topic that is not related to the above, as well as a response that does not correspond to the above, will be deleted immediately.
If the mistake is repeated by the same user, he will risk being removed from the forum permanently. -
The discourse should be in accordance with Halacha and in a style appropriate to the type of conversation in the frum community and in respectful language.
A user who violates this rule and who uses disrespectful or derogatory language, as well as comments about a different user as opposed to the topic discussed, will be removed from the forum without prior warning. -
In addition to the above, special attention should be paid that there will be no responses in friendly language, etc. between men and women and discussions should be technical and on-topic only.
If you believe that another user of the forum violated the rules of use of the forum, do not respond to him, but report to the forum administration using the dedicated report button.
Do not upload content that violates a copyright.
These rules may be updated from time to time.
RE: Why is Chess blocked?
@yosefcode Discussions about website opening etc. are supposed to take place in the request system and not on the forum.
RE: Kehilla
@manchester Did the Kehilla get a response from NetFree? Do you have a request ID with which Kehilla attempted to contact NetFree?
Each Kehilla is provided a direct contact method to their agent and is expected to use it if they need assistance.
They are also responsible for giving timely responses to their clients.
RE: Adobe Photoshop Express
@duvid NetFree does not filter images that are found within a software (Unless the software downloads it from the internet when you are connected to the filter.)
NetFree does not have any power over the things stored within the device.
RE: Enable pdf even if site is blocked.
@extras PDF files are filtered and therefore the images are removed until they return from the image review.
You can try reloading to get the opened file.
If there is an issue they you can send the link in a request for a review.
RE: PDF's with NetFree
@extras There is no reason to open several threads on one topic.
RE: pdf
@extras There is no reason to open several threads on one topic.
RE: Slow internet with NetFree
UPDATE: There should be some improvement now. The full solution is still in development.
RE: Slow internet with NetFree
@jl_usa I will try to post additional updates when they become available.
RE: Slow internet with NetFree
@18452744196 I don't know exactly what the issue but from what I understand it is under development.