Adding a temporary tab/website lock
![Re: Adding a temporary tab/website lock]!
Making a new Post my last one was old. It would be very useful if netfree had the same feature as The #1 internet productivity tool in America. I attached a screenshot above to describe the feature.You can put a whitelisted link/links and "lock" yourself in to ONLY be able to access that specific link for a set period of time. The issue with making a whitelisted profile in netfree is that you could remove it whenever you want.
As you could see in the above example there is the check mark for "locked mode". Meaning I can't remove this setting for the set period of time even if I wanted to. Therefore I'm forced to focus on my desired link such as a research paper.
I think bringing this feature to netfree would be incredibly useful. has incredible customer feedback.
Thank you
@yosefcode And just one more note, if you're curious why I don't just use freedom, it's because it's not compatible with netfree.
@yosefcode A theoretical solution would be to create a profile, whitelist only my desired website and block netfree for a certain period of time, but it seems like netfree does not allow you to block itself. It's automatically always open.
There already is an option to set block times but as you mentioned if a user has the password, they can override the blocked times.
I think this is an easy feature to add to the current dashboard.Such a feature is already on the list of features waiting for development.
You can vote it up so that it gets more traction and hopefully will be developed sooner.
Last I checked it was number 7 on the list.